Hiroshi Tsuji
Born in Ishikawa Prefecture, Hiroshi Tsuji gained his culinary experience in Kanazawa at Asadaya Ryokan, a gastronomically-renowned sukiya-style (residential architectural design based on tea-house aesthetics) inn known for its Kaga cuisine (traditional foods of Kanazawa). Tsuji worked for 21 years in Japan, of which 10 years were spent refining his skills in crafting exquisite washoku (Japanese cuisine) and sushi.
After seeking to expand his culinary knowledge by learning international cuisines, he looked overseas. Not quite certain of the direction he wanted to pursue, he decided to relocate to Honolulu, Hawaii, where he initially worked at Rinka Japanese Restaurant for five years. He found himself at Yoshitsune and Jinya for a short while. Despite being offered a position to help Keiji Nakazawa open his New York sushi restaurant, Tsuji felt his heart was in Hawaii and decided to open his own restaurant, Sushi Gyoshin.